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March Business Spotlight: Stockteamup

During the financial crisis in 2009, Chaster Johnson– now Founder and CEO of Stockteamup– sought a way to educate a broader base on investment strategy in the stock market. As a result, Stockteamup was born.

“After seeing the irrational behavior of wall street unfold and people hurt by the recklessness, I believed that people could do better at investing than Wall Street,” said Johnson. “I believe that even more strongly today as I continue to see the data from Stockteamup.”

Stockteamup primarily serves as a social network for investors, also providing an educational component, where users can trade virtual stocks. As social media sites like Facebook and Twitter trend based on engagement, Stockteamup trends based on performance. In other words, if your investment decisions perform well, Stockteamup will amplify your voice and impact on the platform.

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